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Frequently Ask Questions
When you purchase the bike does it come with a battery and charger?
Yes, battery and charger are included in our package.
Does the bike have 2 speeds?
Yes, this AOKDA K8 balance bike has 2 speed and the max speed is 12 km/h.
Are these tires suitable for grass?
Yes, this balance has 12" big air tires, which can ride in the grass.
Can these bikes ride in the rain?
To ensure your child's safety, it is not advisable to use this product in rainy conditions. We hope this information proves helpful.
Can this bike be foot powered when the battery is die?
Certainly, once power is depleted, the child can use ground pedaling to move the bike forward.
Is this balance bike zero start or non-zero start?
Hello, for kids safety reason, the AOKDA K8 balan. The child needs to push the ground with his feet to make the bike move forward before he can press the accelerator to move forward.